Our new members had several swaps and still have a few more left. It's been a lot of fun to mingle with the new members from different fraternities.
In order to get to know each other better before picking bigs and littles the future bigs and new members had several sailor sister events including several dinners and a trip out to Chewacla.
This year for big/little reveal we did something a little different. Instead of the giant gift boxes that we've done in the past, each big gave her little a prop as part of the last gift. The bigs and their families then dressed up as something that went with the prop. It turned out to be very fun and it was cool to see everyone's creativity with their themes.
The chapter had a What Used to Be Cool social. Everyone brought out their best 90s wear and had a great time. We even had a group that dressed up as the Spice Girls.
Our beautiful president Jacie Coressel was part of the Top 5 for Miss Homecoming! We had a great week "Joining Jacie" as we campained for her and raised awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and safe ways to get home in Auburn.
This past Thursday we initiated all of our lovely new members. We are so excited that they are all official Delta Gammas now. At Celebration afterwards the bigs and littles exchanged their anchors and paddles with a sit down dinner and brass ensemble playing for us.
We held Parent's Weekend this past weekend during Homecoming. Aubrey planned a great tailgate and BBQ dinner after the game.
Our new members had a photoshoot on Sunday at Samford Lawn before their last New Member meeting.
We've had a great semester hanging out and bonding outside of DG activites and are super excited for our Cream Rose Ball on Friday!