Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Parent's Weekend

We had a great Parent's Weekend last weekend going to the Gymnastics meet on Friday and enjoying lunch together on Saturday at the Red Barn.

Check out more pictures on our Facebook!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Spring Pledge Class

We are so excited to welcome these 4 ladies into DG as our Spring 2014 Pledge Class!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Re-cap of the end of 2013 in DG

Cream Rose ball was a blast. All of our girls looked stunning in all-black with our president, Jacie, wearing Cream. The Fox Theater in Atlanta was beautiful and we had a lot of fun taking pictures in a photo booth. 

We had a Famous Couples Halloween Social and a Tacky Christmas Social towards the end of the semester. Both events were a lot of fun for all. 

The Laser Tag sisterhood event in Opelika was super fun as well.

As our fall philanthropy event this year, we held our very first Milk and Cookies. The holiday theme was perfect for the end of the semester and we had a great turnout.

Congratulations to Haley Anne on her engagement! We love candlelights!

And another big congratulations to our advisor Annie after her candlepass to announce that she's having another baby! We can't wait to find out if its a boy or a girl!

We welcomed in a new set of officers at the close of the semester. We are so excited to see what these ladies have planned to make our chapter even better and know they'll do a great job!

And finally many of our girls traveled to Pasadena to cheer on our Tigers in the National Championship!